One of our favorite authors is Peter S. Fischer has written an incredible mystery series with Gorham Printing designing the covers and doing the page layout for the text. In a simulation of guest blogging, I will reprint this great notice from the website of Grove Point Press:
“The Unkindness of Strangers” wins
2013 Benjamin Franklin Award
By The Grove Point Press On May 31, 2013 · Add Comment
The Grove Point Press is very proud to announce that “The Unkindness of Strangers” was honored Wednesday Night with the 2013 Benjamin Franklin Award in the Mystery/Suspense Category. CEO Christopher Fischer attended the Awards and accepted on behalf of the company and Author Peter S. Fischer. “The Unkindness of Strangers” is Book Five in the critically acclaimed “The Hollywood Murder Mysteries” series created by Peter S. Fischer. Mr. Fischer is best known for his career in Television, which included writing and producing for such shows as “Columbo”, “Ellery Queen”, and two major Miniseries “Once an Eagle” and “Black Beauty”.

Mr. Fischers’ biggest success was the creation of “Murder, She Wrote”, for which he received two Golden Globes for Best Dramatic Series in 1984 and 1985. The character of Jessica Fletcher, played by the incomparable and beloved Angela Lansbury, was a major factor in the success of the show. It is still quite popular today in syndication and on such platforms as Netflix and others.
“The Hollywood Murder Mysteries” features his next great character in Studio Press Agent Joe Bernardi. The series starts in 1947 with “Jezebel in Blue Satin”. Each title in the series features the current film Joe is promoting. In Book Two, “We don’t Need no Stinking Badges”, Joe runs into murder and mayhem on the set of “The Treasure of the Sierra Madre” starring Humphrey Bogart. The Actors in the film have “Cameos” in the book, and it is great fun to relive the Glitz and Glamour of Hollywood in the 40′s and 50′s. In Book Three, “Love Has Nothing to do with it”, Jimmy Cagney is filming “White Heat”. If you like a good whodunit, and the Golden Age of Hollywood, you will love “The Hollywood Murder Mysteries”.