If you turn over any book from your local bookstore, you're likely to see a barcode. Many self published authors assume that their book will require a barcode as well, but this isn't always the case. Depending on your goals, an isbn or barcode may not be required. We'll explain these differences as well as how much it costs to get an ISBN and where to get one.
An ISBN acts like a social security number for your book. ISBNs are the global standard for book identification. It uniquely identifies your book in the wide world of books. An International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a 13-digit number that uniquely identifies your book.
If you plan to distribute your book widely or if you plan to sell your printed books or eBooks through booksellers, it is recommended to purchase an ISBN for each edition; for example, one each for hardcover, softcover, and eBooks. If your book will be sold primarily to family and friends, through your website or by back-of-the-room sales, an ISBN is not necessary.
When in doubt, it is always safer to buy an ISBN for your book.
ISBNs are created by Bowker. Bowker is the official ISBN Agency for publishers physically located in the United States and its territories (Puerto Rico, Guam, US Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, as well as military bases and embassies.
Visit www.myidentifiers.com to purchase your ISBNs directly from the source. Once purchased, you will receive your ISBN by email, enabling you to proceed with the next steps of your publishing journey.
Do NOT buy ISBNs from other sites besides directly from Bowker. While seeking cheaper alternatives for ISBNs may be tempting, we strongly advise against purchasing ISBNs from resellers. Whomever has bought the ISBN owns the rights to your book. This is why YOU must buy the ISBN number. These resellers can cause complications and potential issues, as they may not adhere to the proper ISBNs standards recognized by retailers and libraries.
Since we are not Bowker, Gorham Printing does not sell ISBNs but we can do our best to offer advice and can create barcodes out of your ISBNs for you with our design services or PDF assistance. Learn more below about barcodes!
If you buy your ISBN directly from Bowker at MyIdentifiers.com, the price should be:
It's important to note that each edition/format of your book, such as hardcover, softcover, ebook, audiobook, etc., requires a separate ISBN. So depending on how many editions or books you plan on printing, the 10 ISBNs may be the best deal for you.
ISBNs never expire, so the ones you don’t use now can be used for a later book. As a reminder you can’t resale them or give them away. The person/publisher who buys the ISBN owns it.
Most books start with a title page on the right-hand side of the book (recto), and when you turn the page, a copyright page will be on the left (verso), followed by a dedication, intro, or small title on the right (recto). When you purchase a ISBN number, you will want to include this on your copyright page. Most commonly ISBNs show up like this on your copyright page.
A book barcode for authors and publishers is a scannable representation of your book's ISBN. A book barcode uses a sequence of vertical bars and spaces to represent the numbers of your ISBN. The ISBN is used to create the barcode. Barcodes simplify the sales and inventory management process when purchasing a book in a physical store or online. It is the same thing you would find on the back of a soup can or cereal box at the grocery store.
Bowker, the company responsible for ISBNs, offers the option to obtain a barcode when you purchase your ISBN. Alternatively, if you have already acquired your ISBN from www.MyIdentifiers.com, Gorham Printing can generate a barcode for your book with Cover Design Services or PDF Assistance.
You should not buy ISBNs and barcodes from resellers or third party sites. The person who buys the ISBN from Bowker owns the rights to the ISBN and the barcode (the scannable ISBN). We want to make sure you own the rights as the publisher and author.
If you plan to sell your book in bookstores or online, the stores and distribution houses will need something to scan to ring up the purchase.
You can purchase both the number and barcode, or you can purchase the number only from www.myidentifiers.com.
If you have an ISBN but need a barcode, we can create one for you with Cover PDF Assistance or with your Cover Design Service.
So where should you place the barcode on your book? It is pretty standard to put the barcode on your back cover, usually in the bottom right corner. If your book cover design doesn't fit with a barcode in the bottom right corner, that is okay! Most books you see will have it somewhere on the bottom of the back cover and there are a few guidelines to follow:
If you are not sure, you can always opt for our Cover Design Services or if you already have the cover designed and just need the barcode created or placed, opt for PDF Assistance.
If you are publishing your book, aka printing your book, and you have an ISBN, you might also need to:
If you have more questions do not hesitate to Contact Us, your book printing experts at Gorham Printing.