This is one of the most commonly asked questions when a customer places an order for a book. Our standard production time for softcover books is 5-10 business days once your proofs have been approved. However, there are many factors that can impact the time your project is in our shop.

How you submit your files and the binding style of your book are the two major variables that impact turnaround times.
Print-Ready PDF Orders
The fastest way to get from file submission to printed books is to submit cover and interior files as print-ready PDFs. Once you’ve created an account and generated a quote to match your file specifications (trim size, page count, quantity, etc.), you can finalize your order with a deposit for half of the estimated order total right through our website. Then you can use our file upload tool to submit your print-ready files.
Once we have your files, we will check them for potential printing problems and prepare your proof. If your files meet all of our requirements, we’ll have your proof ready to go in 1-2 business days. If you opted for an online proof, you can download and review the proof immediately. If you upgraded to a printed proof, we’ll mail an unbound proof to you via USPS Priority (1-3 business day transit time for most locations).
Design Services
If you opt to hire Gorham Printing for design services, the time between file submission and proofing is a bit longer. Depending on the complexity of your design and the components you’re hiring us for, the process can take anywhere from 5 days (cover design only) to 2 weeks or more (complex cover and interior design). Once design is complete, you’ll receive your proof in the format you’ve selected.
Production Times
Once you submit a signed proof form, your order will enter the production queue. Production times vary by binding style and quantity.
Most softcover orders for quantities under 100 typically take 5 business days until they are ready to ship. Orders of 500-1000 typically take 6-7 business days. Orders over 1000 can take up to 10.
Spiral bound books take 3-4 weeks until they are ready to ship. Hardcover books take about 5-6 weeks.
What if I need my book sooner?
Give us a call! Our production times are standards based on our experience and typical volumes, but we may be able to coordinate a compressed production window for clients who have events fast approaching. Call us as soon as you know you need books for a specific date, and we will work backwards to determine the date we’ll need your final approval in order to guarantee a specific shipping or pick up deadline.
We do not charge extra for in-shop rushes, but you may need to pay for expedited UPS shipping if our present volumes will not allow for the turn around time your shipping deadline would require.
It’s good to know that your binding style will change your production time. People overlook how useful bookbinding can be. No one wants to read a book that is in a bunch of papers because it will be harder to keep from tearing.