Did you know that we not only produce printed books of exceptional quality, but eBook files as well? Read on to learn more about Gorham Printing’s eBook services!
What Files Types are eBooks?

The two eBook files types are EPUB and MOBI. The MOBI is the file that runs exclusively on the Amazon Kindle and can be sold on Amazon. The EPUB can run on all other tablets and e-readers and can be sold through online venues such as Barnes & Noble.
How Much Do eBooks Cost?
Our eBook pricing is a simple formula based on the final page count of your print file. For $1.50 per page ($150 minimum), we will convert a PDF of your manuscript into both EPUB and MOBI files so that they can enjoyed on any e-reader.
To figure out your book’s exact pricing, check out our ebook quote tool. With this tool, you can enter your page count and get an exact price for your ebook in seconds.
What Are Fixed vs. Reflowable Layouts?
By default, most ebook files are reflowable. This means that the book’s contents will “flow” to fit the size of the screen. This allows the book to accommodate differently-sized devices and also allows the reader to choose their page size and orientation.
Fixed layouts, on the other hand, lock the page’s sizing and content to a predetermined layout. This is useful for books with charts and full-page image because it prevents those images from being squashed.
Note that in some cases, particularly for children’s books, only EPUB “fixed layout” output is possible. Despite the single file type output, these conversions can often be more complex and result in a higher cost than anticipated. If we learn your conversion cost will be higher than the price our formula calculates, we will notify you as soon as possible so you can decide if you’d like to proceed.
What’s the Process?
Once you have submitted payment and uploaded your manuscript files using our file upload tool, your eBook files will be delivered in 2-8 business days! Once we receive your EPUB and MOBI files from the conversion service, we send them right to you.
Where can I sell my eBook?
There are several eBook distributors online! Popular eBook distributors are Amazon’s KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing), Barnes & Noble Nook, Applebooks or even your own personal website. Most distributors will have you create an account and connect your Paypal information. Contact your desired distributor to learn more!
As always, the friendly staff at Gorham Printing is here to take your call and answer any questions you might have.