The world’s in a tangle. As proto-fascist politics percolate, the ducks are wigging out.
Come and meet Laurel, Norman, Dwight, Passey and other assorted denizens of a rain-drenched exurban outpost. This is a tragi-comic melting-pot stew of race, class, religion, drugs, politics, Jimi Hendrix, Edgar Allan Poe, jazz, inequality, ducks, urban ecosystems and assorted waterways.
Follow the Snoqualmie and Skykomish as they merge to form the wide gray Snohomish River that flows down into Puget Sound.
Cover artwork is by Owen Connell (Seattle artist). This is a detail of his painting, ''Up Will Be Nice'' from 2015. See: parlorf.com.
Cover design is by Kathy Campbell of Gorham Printing – based on earlier design by David Prittie, New York City (1954 – 2018).
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Aaron Thomas has lived in nine U.S. cities, and currently resides in Seattle.