For over two hundred thirty-four years dedicated and courageous men and women of the United States Coast Guard have carried on a proud tradition of service in time of war and peace since it was established on Wednesday, 4 August 1790. This book highlights three rescues and one seizure carried out by the Service aboard three different High Endurance Cutters on the high seas.
'Rescue Of The Burning Dutch Cruise Ship PRINSENDAM * October 1980'
'Rescue Of All Hands Aboard The Floundering Oil Rig DAN PRINCE * October 1980'
'Rescue Of The Burning Panamanian Steamship GRAND OCEAN * February/March 1970'
'Interdiction and Seizure Of The Soviet Side Trawler ARMATURSHCHIK * February 1974'
In all, 573 lives and untold millions in property were saved during these operations. In addition, fines totaling $250,000 were paid by the Master of the Soviet Side Trawler ARMATURSHCHIK and the Soviet Union for violations of the U. S. Contiguous Fishing Zone during the interdiction and seizure of the ARMATURSHCHIK.
These stories and narratives some reprinted from my books ''High Seas Cuttermen'' and ''Up Behind'' are true based on personal accounts and official records. They are not a complete record of all events that took place during each operation by other units or individuals and not written to overshadow their service or diminish the magnitude of the operation. It was written by a Cutterman in the language and humor of a Cutterman of that era. I am proud to have served aboard each of these Cutters while operations took place and part of their ''Magnificent Crews''.
So...Form It Up On The Fantail And ''Welcome Aboard.'' We Are About To Get Underway On A High Seas Adventure!
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Senior Chief Stanley A. Jaceks, USCG (Retired) attended schools in South Gate, Woodlake, and Bishop, California graduating from high school in Bishop, California with the Class of 67'...Go Broncos! He subsequently enlisted in the U. S. Coast Guard on 22 January 1968 in Yakima, Washington and retired from active duty on 1 July 1988. His seagoing assignments include duty aboard the Cutters BERING STRAIT (WHEC-382), MUNRO (WHEC-724), and BOUTWELL (WHEC-719). Following his service in the U. S. Coast Guard he went on to become a City Letter Carrier with the U. S. Postal Service in Wenatchee, Washington retiring on 29 February 2008.
Stanley has been married to his charming SoulMate ''Rose'' for the last 56 years and currently resides in Cheney, Washington. They have three children Jennifer, Eddie, Emily, and four grandchildren Nicolette, Blake, Bridgette, and Elizabeth ''Betty''.