This fundamental question: — Who Am I? — has occupied the minds of generations of Humans from supposedly the beginning of Human Existence as Collectives or as Societies. To this day, Religions, Academia, Politics, Philosophies, Spiritualism, etc. continue seeking an acceptable answer, but none seem to emerge. And we ask “Why not?”
The true answer has been present in front of Humanity all along. It is both simple and somewhat difficult to understand, yet it has always been present for us to see and understand, and only if we have learnt to see both the “visible” and the “invisible” of our World.
The majority of Humans have been easily enticed from long time ago to see only the “visible”, and that is what they all have thoroughly learned how to do, and are living with on a daily basis, hence they cannot see the “invisible” or the non-physical phenomena in their World. And it is this inability that prevents them from seeing and understanding this, and many of the answers to many of the other “mysteries” of LIFE.
It is time Humanity of today take corrective actions Globally to change its Way of Life! This little book explains both the “visible’ and the “invisible” of Who We Truly Are. Enjoy…!
See never-before-presented information on HUMANITY, LIFE and OUR UNIVERSE!
Work Shop Scheduling
The author is willing to do a 3 to 5 days Work Shop for those seeking to expand their understanding of the topics covered in this very condensed book on 'Who We Truly Are, and Why...'. In the Work Shop, you will explore answers to the fundamental issues of Total Levels of Human Consciousness and Human Spirituality, working to understand information never presented before, and learning how to connect to your 'Higher SELF. To schedule a Work Shop, contact the author by email at: larmogan15@gmail.com
None. The book has completely new perspectives on Humanity, Life and Our Universe!
Lloyd Armogan is of Indian (India) Ethnicity, but was born in British Guiana (now Guyana) where he received his Primary School Education, and then taught for several years in the same Primary School he attended as a student. After that, he migrated to the United States to further his studies at the University of Cincinnati, in Cincinnati, Ohio. After graduation, he worked for several great US Companies, and retired in 2009. Since then he has been able to realize his Higher Self and much more, and is eager to share his Life experiences with others who want to know. This is his third (and final?) book in which he talks about Human Consciousness and Human Spirituality, and answers the fundamental question of: “WHO AM I?” He hopes the information will be useful to readers who want to know “Who They Are”. A more detailed Bio is in his 2014 book for those interested.