How to Create a PayPal Business Account
How to Convert a Personal PayPal Account
How to Edit Your PayPal Button
To begin selling your books through your Booksite, you will need to create a PayPal Business Account. PayPal functions as a virtual bank account by storing the money from your book sales. Additionally, PayPal will send you an email whenever you make a sale that includes the buyer's address for shipping. Money can be moved from your PayPal account to a personal banking account at any time by linking your bank to PayPal.
On the PayPal homepage, you will see two links in the top right corner. If this is your first PayPal account, click the Sign Up button. If you have a Personal Account that you would like to convert into a PayPal Business Account, skip a few steps down to our How to Convert a Personal PayPal Account section.
The first question you will be asked is which kind of account you would like to create. Make sure the button next to Business Account is checked and then click Next.
The next page will ask for information about your business. If you operate a one-person business, you can use your personal name and address. Once finished, click Agree and Create Account.
If you already have a personal PayPal account, you can convert your account into a Business account. Unlike Personal Accounts, Business Accounts can accept credit and debit card transactions.
After logging in to your Personal Account, click the settings icon in the top right corner of your account homepage.
In the lower left corner of your account homepage, click the Upgrade to a Business account link and then follow the instructions on the next page to upgrade you account.
Your PayPal button will be the main link between your Booksite and PayPal account. The button's settings will determine your book's sale price, shipping cost, tax rate and more.
If you are not currently logged in to your PayPal account, you will need to sign in before you can proceed.
The next page will show several types of buttons that you can create. For our purposes, find and click the rectangle containing the Buy Now button.
Most of your button's settings can be left as they are, but here are some settings you will want to update:
Scroll down the page and click on Optional Settings. This will open a dropdown with a few more options. You'll want to change the following settings:
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save and Create Button. This will take you to a new page with some website code. You will need to send this code to Gorham Printing. Click the Copy Code button to save the code to your clipboard. In your preferred email client, paste the code into a new message by holding down Control+V. Send this email to marketing@gorhamprinting.com with the subject line "Booksite Button Code".
If you decide change your button's settings, such your book's price, shipping cost, or tax rate, you can do so from your PayPal account.
If you are not currently logged in to your PayPal account, you will need to sign in before you can proceed.
In the top right corner, find and click the View your saved buttons link.
This page will list all the buttons that you have saved in your PayPal account. The button for your Booksite will have whatever name you entered in the Product Name field when you first created it, most likely your book title. Click the Open button to the right of your button name, and then click Edit Button.
This will take us to the same settings page that we saw when we first created the button. From here, we can update our price, shipping, or sales tax. Once you have edited your settings, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Updated Saved Button.
Your button's code will not be affected by these udpates. Therefore, you will not need to resend it to Gorham Printing. However, if you changed your book's price, you will need to notify Gorham Printing so that they can update your Booksite to show the match. Email marketing@gorhamprinting.com with any changes you've made. A representative will reply to your email to confirm that your page has been updated.