Hardcover History

This second scenario is for a more complex project involving higher print runs for a larger audience. This narrative centers around a logging company owner who played a part in advancing logging techniques. Controversy surrounding industry innovations provides for some interesting firsthand accounts. The company’s impact on the growth of the local town also play a key part in the story. The town's current population is down from its heyday but holds steady at about 8,000.

Suggested Specifications:

  • Printed Hardcover binding (PUR adhesive)
  • 8½ x 11" trim size
  • 224 pages
  • Full color cover with gloss film lamination
  • Cover paper: 100# white coated book
  • Black-and-white interior pages
  • Interior paper: 60# white uncoated stock
  • Professional cover and text design
  • Quantities between 500 and 1,000

How many should you order?

This book chronicles three distinct aspects: the personal history of the owner, the controversy around the labor-saving innovations, and the innovations themselves. These aspects broaden your range of buyers. Abundant documentation as well as historical photos will also provide added interest. Since the town still exists, additional sales could come from gift and tourist sales. In this scenario, selling 500 to 1,000 books may be feasible.

How much should it sell for?

We think this book would justify a Printed Hardcover treatment. Though more expensive than softcover, the added credibility and permanence of a hardcover will work in your favor to ask for a higher cover price. With great photos and documentation and tight, quality editing, we would estimate 224 pages. Combined with professional design, this book should command a $35 to $45 cover price.

How much will printing cost?

Although this book is aimed at buyers attracted to the wealth of information and photos provided, the cover price still needs careful consideration. Keep costs in line by:

  • Use black-and-white printing for the interior
  • Limit the page count to around 200-250 pages
  • Keep within a standard trim size like 8.5 x 11"
  • Choose your best 60 images

Using our suggested specifications:

  • 500 books: $18.28 each
  • 750 books: $16.47 each
  • 1,000 books: $14.81 each

Additionally, we suggest taking advantage of our marketing package for $150.

Hardcover History Profit Strategy

Scenario Two strategy is similar to Scenario One strategy. With a cover price of $40, wholesaling to the museums at 40% discount would be $24. If you sell half the books to a museum at $24 and the other half through your web page at full cover price of $40, you would have an average selling price of $32. The graph illustrates the investment, break-even point, and potential profit based on three different quantities.


Hardcover History Summary

As you can see in this scenario, the stakes are a little higher, but so are the potential returns. With careful pinpointing of your selling avenues, as well as diligence and tenacity in your marketing efforts, this project could be very viable. You might want to consider a somewhat conservative approach on the number of books you print, with the idea that reprints are always possible.

Additional Printings of 500 books:

  • Original cost: $9,141
  • - minus design and setup: $2,220
  • Total: $6,921 ($13.84 each)

Additional Printings of 1000 books:

  • Original cost: $14,807
  • - minus design and setup: $2,220
  • Total: $12,857 ($12.87 each)

The reprint pricing does not include marketing. The initial marketing package is valid for 18 months. After that period you can renew the marketing package for $50 per year, which includes web page upkeep as well as a place for your book in our history book catalog. (Pricing shown is current as of 03/16, subject to change without notice).